Rock On

Noidmeister has kindly consented to allow me to co-host a new project. This time we're turning the clock back to the 60's for some vintage fun.

This is just me, channeling my inner hippie while sitting next to the fabulous prize package that awaits the winner. The original Polaroid pack camera, + all the accessories, + an awesome stash of film.

But wait.
There's more!

(see the Tip for more info & updates)

Shotdate | -location:
2012 Sept. 12 | Roswell (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
Automatic 100 | 108 (expired)
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I used the actual camera to be included in the prize package to make this photo. Along with the Flashgun #268 and an M3 flash bulb. You'll receive all of that and so much more if you blow me away with your 60's image.


Update - re: The Grand Prize -

While everything you see in the current prize photo (except all the background records) will be awarded to the winner I want to say that this prize will continue to grow. I will continue to add bits and pieces up until the day I seal the box and send it to the winner. Who knows what goodies I may include - not even me.

I would like to ask this of the eventual recipient of this grandest of Polanoid prizes though - The Polaroid Party Pack is 60's vintage but it is still sealed in plastic wrap. Never used. And since it is a party game centered around 60's era Polaroid photos I would like the winner to use it. Along with the camera, film, flash bulbs and any of the other accessories, to have a Polaroid party. I'd love to see the results posted here on Polanoid.

And, if the winner happens to be a lover of vintage vinyl, like me, I will also include an LP (or 45, 78, etc.) or two for you. I'm sure I have something on those shelves that may interest you. ;)

Keep rockin'.


Update #2

Be sure to invite your friends. I am.
I've already found a couple of new vintage nuggets to add to the prize box too.
I hope I don't need a second box before the curtain closes.
Stay tuned for more updates. You know how long projects can go on, and on...



Update #3

Please see the news/update post on my profile page for more info on the prize package. It's only going to get better.

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Uploaded: Sept. 13, 2012
Views: 1,953  [169]
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