2012-10-28 // 02:50:07
Oh Man I wish I had my land camera here this is so RAD. Keep up the positive mental attitudes babes

2012-09-20 // 00:22:29
Argl :)!
got a fresh one.
here you go.

2012-09-19 // 21:46:54
Don't boggot the joint, man :)!
too late, bro'.

2012-09-14 // 09:49:21
ah! happy to use my first guess Ore :-)
I can see on the shelf about 2400 LP + I need to consider 45 and 78 and some more LP that you may keep elsewhere and well...my guess is: 3722 records
rock on!

That's a good guess for what is shown. But there are many many more not seen.

I've never counted them actually, but I'm sure the total is closer to 3x your guess. Probably more though when I think about the 45's & all those in boxes. ;)

Among those there are around 200 still sealed and another hundred or so with autographs (some famous people but most not).

/anxiously awaiting the next submission/


2012-09-13 // 23:17:09
Yeah Baby!

2012-09-13 // 21:39:52
Hey g. I did vote for this one as I think Ore deserve a front page and it´s time to dress up again for a noid-project!
thanks for the positive thoughts sir ullo. i'll be expecting something soon.

now, i know there are no beans in a jar here, but there are the records. any guesses

2012-09-13 // 21:19:12
if you voted for your own pic, then ullo forgot (oh my, I would LOVE to see pictures from him of this certain polaroid party).
(as I once saw, what's inside. haha!).

On a first glimpse, I thought you would have something in your hand.. oh my, I guess your son had a lot of sun pulling the trigger.

this is so.., um..

(2 beers, btw. export.)

the red guy is the culprit. i decided to take up the slack. ;)

Derby did have fun - no sun though, just the M3

"this is so.., um..

thank you. then it's perfect, as is your comment.

(understood. ball in your court. i await instruction.)

2012-09-13 // 19:25:02

I can't look at it.
I cant look at it closer now, nor read the text.

think I need dinner before.
and a beer.

even if you haven't looked closer or read the text - you know. ;)


2012-09-13 // 17:08:15
what a prize package! i will be closing and opening within the hour.

I just hope it helps energize the project.

I'll keep an eye open for the start & be ready to submit.

hey nm - good choice for the freeze winner. i recall liking that one when i first saw it.

and thanks again for letting me do this one. i'm having fun already. can't wait to actually see some pics.