2013-05-13 // 11:43:27

2013-05-12 // 14:04:58
Sorry to hear... Recently lost my 20 year old cat. Two-thirds of my life she was with me... still miss her like crazy...
oh my
but what a long life!
a happy one i imagine too!

and of course you miss her madly
how could you not?
loss is loss
not matter what medium it takes

2013-05-12 // 10:34:36
My deepest condolences.

I know exactly how you feel. Our beloved 12 years old parsonrussellterrier Wilma got injured and passed away yesterday, on May 11th 2013. Life is hard sometimes.

oh goodness
and of course it is
and soft
and beautiful
all in a moments time

i do hope those 12 years with Wilma
filled your family with happy memories