2012-10-09 // 12:07:40
if you get solarization, it just means the film is still developing and reacting to the light exposed at after pulling. i guess it has to do with the expiration of the film, that the chemicals need longer and still act though the recommended developing time is over. you could a.) wait longer (this should also effect the contrast, though) and b.) avoid direct light when peeling and until clearing. or maybe just peel later, in a dark room.
basically, this is the upside-down explantation of what to do if one wants solarization: peel earlier. expose the neg to bright light or flash it after. let it react with the dev for a while in the dark before clearing it.

Oh g. how can i thank you enough!
i had read about the way to make a solarisation with this film but when i scanned my negs i didn't understand it could happened even if you didn't open it before the end of the time they propose.
i don't think i opened it in direct sun light as it has been kind of bad weather on those shooting days.
so you're probably right, due to old films, i should wait a little longer before separating. and maybe expose it a little lighter so the contrast doesn't et too hard...

i have enough of this film to explore a bit... so thank you again for your help.

2012-10-08 // 19:56:18
a touch of infinity
:-)) thanks

2012-10-07 // 23:46:15
I love that dots look like leaves....
it's true, it blends well to finished the photo.

2012-10-07 // 17:18:46
Very very nice images.
With what do you clean them?

clean with water first and than 5 min in the cleanning solution.
Dan told me that.
but i get the blacks often solirized and i don't know what i'm doing wrong.
is it when i take the shot ? i don't mesure the light properly?
or when i clean the neg the water is too warm or too white?
puff need to work on that film. it's amazing but i don't get the result i want yet.

2012-10-07 // 16:21:39
C'est superbement composé, mais connaissant ton univers, j'aurais bien vu ici cette ombre qui plane sur tes dernières photos présentées ici... :)
hehe, oui c'etait mon idée derriere. ça c'est le test shot avant que je me change pour aller me metre dans la photos.
je ne suis pas encore très satisfait de mes 55, le noir est trop solarisée et je ne sais pas pourquoi!
c'est un super film mais assez difficile a utiliser quand on n'a pas l'abitude.
je doit y travailler!