2011-07-23 // 08:57:16
Vivement les vacances !
comme tu dis!!!

2011-07-22 // 23:33:30
Bueno??? l" diptyque... Fabrice,
un diptyque 100% cocorico monsieur, ouiiii absolument.
les doigts de pieds en éventail et tout...

2011-07-22 // 22:54:23
I like this a lot!
Great combination!
It gives me a nice summer-feeling.

Hey thanks Bastian (or Julia?).

Nothing is better than walking barefoot on the grass in summer (well actually walking on the sand is more fun, but when one is far from the sea, grass is fine too..)

2011-07-22 // 14:23:40
absolutely lovely
Flower power :)