2011-05-09 // 01:39:03 BastianK We've seen it on TV and it really looks like a great party over there. I think it was funny to be there!
On the german television and radio they where so sad because the kiss was to short...
We think it was so romantic...
What do you say?
I thought it was great that they kissed twice and looked like they were having fun - I mean Charles and Diana looked like it was torture!! It was a great party- I wish we could have got closer but already when we got down there at 9am in the morning the main areas were too full and no one else could get in!
2011-04-30 // 12:10:23 edulterado As Salvador Dali said: "The monarchy is the proof of the DNA validity, because it confirms that everything, including the power, is transferred genetically".