2011-01-15 // 17:27:48 TheGentlemanAmateur I love the atmosphere of this one - the people flitting like ghosts among the buildings - and the trees more real and substantial than them all....
Thanks SF..welcome back!
2011-01-12 // 00:08:15 Mrlavinyl Nice view of flatiron
Thank You!
2011-01-07 // 04:35:22 jcoldslabs Very nice. I just picked up the "Stieglitz Steichen Strand" book from the exhibit and it has a fold-out with three gum prints of Steichen's Flatiron shot. Fabulous subject matter. Jealous!
2011-01-07 // 03:36:43 BastianK GREAT,GREAT, GREAT again!
ooohh..thank you guys ;=)
2011-01-06 // 23:40:45 PWK I like it very good indeed.......the same viewpoint as steichen used!!