2011-01-12 // 19:35:02
Ah, how I love thee
Dee blesses you.

2011-01-11 // 11:33:01
Liebe Zora,

als ich dich (hoff ich darf dich duzen!?) das erste mal im Tickl Magazin und nun im Arte film "Magische Momente" gesehen habe, war ich begeistert von deiner Arbeit.

Ich wollte dich daher fragen, ob du vielleicht Lust hättest hier im Shop eine Art Workshop bzw. Fotoshooting mit unseren Kunden zu machen und auch ein bisschen von deiner Arbeit erzählen möchtest.

Für die Kosten für Anreise, Hotel, Filmmaterial ect würden wir natürlich aufkommen.

Ich würde mich über eine Antwort freuen.

Liebe Grüße

2010-11-29 // 10:04:41
dang that is fantastic!!!! awesome!!
Thank you!

2010-11-21 // 16:31:41
heavy !
Well, they say life's early traumas never really leave us.

2010-11-18 // 21:50:29
Madame, the coloring is amazing. Now i'll go to eat a quash. Or two. Anything so this doesn't appear in my dreams.
Thank you. If you do eat a squash, then try listening to 80s metal and licking felt-tin pens at the same time. (Just a suggestion.)

2010-11-18 // 20:26:53
this is so hilarious
You clearly never had to endure parental vegetable torture, or you would not speak so lightly, my dear.

(Thanks! I certainly had a lot of fun with this one.)

2010-11-18 // 18:34:49
Hahaha...you are so right! You are officially my Twisted Sister. Nothing is scarier than Laverne tho. That picture and thought will haunt me foever. Your effort and enthusiam paid off!
You're so right. You know, I think about Laverne a lot. She's become an odd mixture to me. Chilling yet pitiful, bland but disturbing. And inadvertently poetic, too. The way she chose popcorn as a murder weapon - it suggests a subconscious desire to have a movie made about her life in which her husband munches poisoned popcorn and dies while watched by rows of people muching eagerly on... yes... popcorn.

2010-11-18 // 18:12:18
Ha ha. Yeah. This actually ended up a lot weirder than I'd pictured it. You know how you can get so carried away with the fun of making something before you step back and realise how scary your own creation is? Like how Dr. Frankenstein felt?

2010-11-18 // 17:13:41
------------> heading top-speed to the nearest grocery! -------------->

(ps. yes, you're a genius. Sick as hell, but a genius indeed ^_^)

Which proves that the phrase "you are what you eat" is utter gobbledygook. I eat... healthy: I am... sick. See? Doesn't work at all. No matter how many vegetables a twisted miscreant may eat, it won't make a damn bit of difference.

By God, that was another piece of genius. I'll be cutting my ear off next or inventing the six-nippled sheep.

2010-11-18 // 15:27:17
I think the grease paint consumption was well worth it! This is fantastic!
Thank you! It's true what they say in the women's mags, isn't it? I mean that dramatic eye make-up is the best way to distract attention away from blemishes.

2010-11-18 // 14:38:20
Das ist ja mal mega-mäßig geil!!
Oh man... ich hab ne gute Idee...
aber hab's nicht bis heute geschaftt! :-/

Wir müssen eh anscheinend noch kurz verschieben, weil Webbo keine Zeit hat, die Gewinnerseite zu programmieren. Carpe diem.

2010-11-18 // 14:21:55
and as Rodeo wrote: Genius
Thank you. I do think this touches on something we can all identify with: the grotesque horrors of family mealtimes.

2010-11-18 // 14:19:24
We're not gonna take it- no we aint gonna take it!

Play it loud mutha.

2010-11-18 // 14:05:28
Eat your veg and you can grow up into a genius, too..

2010-11-18 // 14:01:25
:) :)
Have you eaten your sprouts? I said have you eaten your sprouts?

2010-11-18 // 13:55:10
Heeee ! Scary vegetable !
Yes. Vegetables can be very scary, under the right conditions.