2010-09-29 // 11:55:12
but you know you shouldn't water orchids like other plants, do you?

(or.. are you sure it's an orchid at all?)

at least, you gave it blue sky and made it appear a bit more green.
she sure appreciates.

yes. well it started growing when I stopped watering it.

night, with the wind blowing in through the window and the branches shaking.

2010-09-29 // 01:21:54
This is beautiful

2010-09-28 // 18:06:20
The graphic View Looks like an interesting toy..do you use any Special lenses or something?
it's a monorail 4x5, so all the tilts/shifts add the effects.
it is a very funnnn toy.

2010-09-28 // 16:22:48
did you save the orchid or the picture? :-o

i've been trying to save this orchid for a couple months.
it's never had a flower. just long, dead branches spreading across the floor.