2010-06-09 // 11:02:10
I think it would be painful...robots have very sharp edges...
This is why it would need to be able to whip you up some bloody amazing cocktails immediately after labour and immediately before you got the idea of chasing after it with a large power tool and a murderous glint in your eyes.

2010-06-09 // 10:28:59
Has yours? Besides, I have endometriosis according to doc yest, so I might (lucky for me) be completely infertile and unable to spawn robot babies. Good job, I'd be an awful parent.
I'd love to give birth to a robot. Yes. Preferably one with a butler function. And a cocktail-mixing program.

2010-06-08 // 17:05:56
Can you really imagine my time ever coming? I think not...!
Well, let's wait and see what happens when your robotic clock starts ticking.

2010-06-08 // 15:47:47
hmmm...yes. Only to robots, no poo, no screaming, just an ambitious "i'm going to take over the world when I'm big enough" attitude to deal with...

actually, i've changed my mind, nursing a baby Hitler that wants to obliterate the human race has discouraged me from robot husbandry.

Ah, you say that now, but when your time comes, all you'll want to do is chuck it under its little metal chin and all those silly fears about the imminent extinction of humanity won't matter one little bit.

2010-06-08 // 15:42:25
Thanks. Almost makes one want to give birth, doesn't it?

2010-06-07 // 18:38:49
I officially changed my name from Jeremy to LLC (Large Ladies Collider). You should start using it. For the record.
Yo, my man, LLC.

2010-06-07 // 12:37:46
Oh, what a lovely baby robot! ...hopefully its diaper is clean...
Take care, there's some awful ugly creature behind you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Allzeit bereit für der Schildkröten's Späße (was für eine königlich erhabene Wortwahl!)

It has pooed oily little screws into its frilly pants, I'm afraid. Her majesty would be well advised to hand it to a courtier.

2010-06-07 // 12:22:56
Who's Enrique? Who are you talking to?
Sorry. I meant Jeremy, of course.

2010-06-07 // 12:18:01
Still amazing. (and flabberghasting)
Thanks Enrique.
(The things we do to keep our tortoise entertained, eh?)