2010-06-10 // 12:34:08 Esther.Z.Schnickenacke Yes, I'm going to be in Arles. The European part of the Polaroid Collection is going to be there, so that seemed worth a visit.
I shall start musing on objects now, too.
2010-06-10 // 11:39:12 Esther.Z.Schnickenacke I think it would work really well, as we all seem to like combining people and objects but the pictures will all be totally different. We should try to think of a good object to begin with. Perhaps something none of us has used yet... hmm. Time to put our thinking caps on.
By the way, I don't suppose you or Emilie were thinking of going to the Arles photo festival in July by any chance?
Regarding Arles, I can't answer for Emilie but as far as I'm concerned it's not part of my plans. Are you going? It must be a very interesting festival.
I think this project idea is quite thrilling...and it must imply a complete new object. Nothing has come to my mind yet but I'm sure we'll come up with something. let's rack our brains!!!
2010-06-09 // 16:30:31 Esther.Z.Schnickenacke Ah! I've just noticed this. This is almost the same cage! A similar thing happened when I bought some alarm clocks. I got up the next morning and Emilie was looking out at me from a clock face.
One day, the three of us should set ourselves some mini-projects where we each take a picture in our own style using the same object and then upload them simultaneously.
I reckon it's a wonderful thing to see how one object can create different moods according to the person who shoots the photo. this mini project sounds awesome. we definitely need to give it a go.
2010-06-03 // 16:41:40 journeynoire tu as bien fait de poster celle de droite en plus grand pour les grosses nazes comme moi qui voient que dalle de près comme de loin :) wonderful!
je ne sais pas si j'ai bien fait de les poster ici tout court mais merci beaucoup
et tu ne me sembles pas être une grosse naze ;)