2010-12-31 // 11:43:38 todde4ever evtl. sollten die macher von polanoid den artikel hier featuren. die wurden ja auch im beitrag erwähnt...
2010-12-26 // 15:13:22 todde4ever Habe gerade die Motiventstehung im Beitrag auf ARTE gesehen. Sehr gelungen das ganze!
Danke! Ich habe gehofft, dass es für Polanoider unterhaltsam wird, die Entstehung mancher Bilder zu sehen, War jedenfalls ein tolles Erlebnis im Film mitzumachen.
(admiring your bowl from afar. and that silly 'tattoo' on your forehead. and ____ ...)
/ps - i don't see no stinkin' goldfish in this photo. i'm sure it's just a lack of imagination though./
/pss - I had to edit in order to correct the time computation. Zorrry./
Sooo, you found out what goldfish bowl means, now all you need to do is find out what happened to Shorty the goldfish.
2010-05-26 // 00:17:12 amaliachimera So rad. Looks kinda like a bomb & I will have more nightmares from the people in the background with blinding white faces more than your eye.
Oh dear. Seems I'm giving Polanoid lots of nightmares!
I was thinking of something that was a cross between a goldfish bowl, a time bomb and a camera and the wires were actually attached to the tape on my forehead (but my hair kept covering it, so you can't tell). I suppose it's a contraption for capturing memories - but only for a while.
2010-05-25 // 22:50:06 Urizen Your eye is scary. So i voted because i don't want your eye to appear in my dreams.
So... Now you know how it feels to have a scary-eyed friend. You expect me to pity you? Hah!
2010-05-25 // 19:22:48 tigalita did the goldfish survive this, by the way?
The goldfish always gets it. 'Tis its destiny, I'm afraid.
2010-05-25 // 14:44:29 Jay Erm..... try putting a digital clock in here and have it still show the time? The ol' analogue/digital debate? (btw I know you've got "I heart Fujifilm" tattooed on the obscured side of your forehead)
Oh excellent point. The display on a digital clock would just fizzle away to nothing like the incorporeal non-thing that it is. Only the analogue clock can preserved the moment. I like it. (Now I know what I can pretend it was all about if someone asks me.)