2010-04-13 // 15:11:49
hm, ist das so, ja?
ja, wahrscheinlich schon.
wenn ich fotografiere hab ich ganz gerne augen drauf.
da geht das mit dem rücken selten.
wenn ich doch eher auf den po focussiere, ist der rücken schon mit drauf...

aber ja, sicherlich gibt es mehr front- als rückenansichten... ;)

2010-04-13 // 14:44:48
yo, beautiful back... :o)
Thanks. (This side of a lady gets much too little attention, I think.)

2010-04-06 // 15:08:30
wow, seeehr hübsch!!
Tja, wenn das funktioniert, dann ist der PX schon eine sehr hübsche Sache, finde ich.

2010-03-27 // 12:29:03
goody, I'll have to try harder until next time so you do have an orgasm every time you see my name.
That's fine by me. You go right ahead.

2010-03-27 // 11:57:39
How come these were not selected?????????????????? ????????
It's the same with everyone who participated, I think. Some people - like Rodeo and Carmen - felt that their selected pictures really didn't represent them at all. In my case, I was luckier. One of the pictures really was my favourite (the one with the kiss). The other one I found interesting, but it wasn't one of my all-time favourites. But I believe the selection process wasn't so much about selecting the best from each person but about composing a range of different pictures that complemented each other and made an interesting contrast. Having seen them on the wall in New York, I have to say that, when viewed together, the combined effect was highly original and mind-blowingly good.

2010-03-27 // 11:01:03
Spectacularly bad, I thought you'd appreciate it.
Oh yes. I still cringe every time I see your name in my comment box. The phenomenon is almost akin to an orgasm flashback.

2010-03-27 // 07:06:56
Yes, beautifully done.

2010-03-26 // 19:34:02
that morbid hair on that pale skin gives me an irrepressible frisson...

...(or maybe I'm just gettin' a cold)

Maybe you're just envious of my British sun tan. I get that a lot.

2010-03-26 // 17:16:59
I'm bringing sexy back
I love awful puns. That one was shit. Thank you.

2010-03-26 // 17:08:40

This visually tastes like creamy chocolate.

(I am obviously talking about the soft colours).

Right. But it would be good to see some large toothmarks in the back, wouldn't it?