2009-12-16 // 18:31:45
This one looks pretty star wars
I can hear our theme music forming in my mind already.

2009-12-16 // 14:43:08
much love for you, from the other side of the galaxy....you're utterly wonderful and completely hopeless at the same time :)
I wonder myself, when the nights grow long, how I would survive without a platform like Polanoid to play on, people willing to dress like idiots and others willing to write something constructive about the resultant scenes of lunacy.

Thank you for your intergalactic love message, dear Wish. (Lord Ashplopp also sends his distinguished regards and hopes that you are in fine feather.)

2009-12-16 // 13:43:12
Hihi, sauwitzig!!
Die sind alle toll!!

Danke! Das war vielleicht ein Spaß! Ich würde so gerne in so einer Welt leben.