2009-11-15 // 01:13:24 zveliakine i hate when you write german tips
yeah, this says the right person!!
now that you even got ore into writing french around here, so I cant read it!
are you cheating on me or what?
poule infidele!
("I can not look at the right pic without peeing myself.. thanx krampus")
2009-11-14 // 18:03:08 Madame_Krampa oooohhhh. I would LOVE to see those ! Can't wait til I'm 18 to be allowed to enter that exposed section! maybe that would take my mind of that gay porn scene I canne get out of my head...
was solln das jetzt?
da comments schreiben - aber das telefon ned abheben?
was is?
heut abend wollma *dich* leuchten sehn, wertes fraulein krampa!
2009-11-13 // 19:53:54 Madame_Krampa some pics better stay unseen for the missus.
big zorrry to da missus!
aba im ernst:
DAS war schon zu schlimm?
was wirstn erst sagen, wennsd die siehst dich vom krampus seinem christbaumbehang UNTERM tisch gmacht hab?
die leute in xposed sind begeistert!
..ah mir fallt grad ein du hast eh gar keinen xposed zugang
dann vergiss was ich grad gsagt hab...
~boshaft kicher~
der OberKrampus
2009-11-13 // 19:46:58 DodelKrampus oh gott...was hab ich mir dabei nur gedacht...