2009-09-09 // 12:16:25
please tell me this isn't far from home.
only one hour and a half


2009-09-08 // 20:43:12
lovely landscape!!

2009-09-08 // 11:11:38
i ADORE this.
Thanks a lot rodeo, I do too. Such a shame it’s all melting so fast...

2009-09-07 // 21:35:56
Oh ! je croyais à une photo d'il y a 30 ans !!... super ! et le SX marche ?!
Malheureusement il ne reste plus grand-chose par rapport à il y a trente ans… c’est un spectacle à la fois triste et magique.

2009-09-07 // 20:07:08
wow so great photos!!!
why can´t i vote these awesome pics?

Vielen dank, Bastian.

I’m a bit fetishist with numbers. I like # 8. If you shift the figure by 45°, it becomes the infinity symbol ∞. Polaroid is exactly about that, isn’t it? Infinite possibilities with each unique photograph.