2008-10-09 // 15:25:34

yes, another one, here, that is in my mind always. the beauty of that light on the floor and fragile body and hair, the ominous open scissors nearby, opening up to the blossoms above--the blossoms seem to represent strength and a clearing here, and it's a lovely association.

Glad to hear some further words on what people see in my work, I atruly appreciate that! Thank you...

2007-01-29 // 00:53:14
this is going to sound crazy, but you don't believe how happy i was to find this piece here!

these two pictures were the first polaroids that i'd ever seen in my life. i saw them about a year ago and thought they were the coolest pictures ever. now i absolutely ADORE polaroids. i wish i had the film to take polaroid pictures, but for now i'll just have to admire them.

love yours!

wow what a..what a compliment. Really, your words made my evening. Now I can fall aseep easily and sound like a baby. Thanks so much for your kindness and welcome and thanks for commenting and yes one day I hope to see your first steps and soon the steps that easily outpass me!! :-)


2006-12-03 // 17:50:39
the scissors are great. love love love.

2006-11-24 // 17:17:54
This too!

2006-10-31 // 11:53:36
many of your shots -like these 2- are truly amazing ! wow !
thank you

2006-10-02 // 02:41:55
i love the similar colors of these two - such different shots yet so complimentary
glad you think so, thanks!

2006-07-27 // 08:36:52
Great series and the Magnolia tree brought back memories of childhood. a neighbor had one their backyard and I loved the smell. It meant that summer was coming. Thanks for reminding me

2006-07-20 // 19:14:43
I like the series, in particular the bottom shot here. I think it could stand on it's own and still have plenty to say.

2006-06-30 // 14:47:53
simply beautiful. love the suggested narrative.

2006-06-24 // 14:48:57
Great composition.
I love the colours in both polaroids.

2006-06-11 // 04:10:55
wow........so your soul is a beauty too...are u a muSE???

2006-06-10 // 22:14:04
this series is very powerful. quite dark but filled with bits of light and hope.

2006-06-10 // 13:14:03
Blindingly red! Endlessly beautiful, so mysterious and full of contrast

Be careful, open scissors bring bad luck!

2006-06-09 // 17:03:07
Awakening in spring....

LiA, u r great!

2006-06-09 // 11:15:53
What a great atmosphere!

2006-06-09 // 10:17:02
perfect association ;-)

2006-06-09 // 09:11:48
But how did you push the button?

2006-06-09 // 08:33:52
i like the contrast between the harsh orange tones of the bottom image and the pinky ones of the top. the orange tint in the top image types them together though and gives a sense of flow between two highly contrasting images.

I like the shapes created by the shadows on the bottom image, for some reason I notice alot of 'twos' side by side. the shape of your arms reflects that of the blades of the scisors, and ofcourse the two windows of flight created by the window. maybe it's just me.

2006-06-09 // 07:50:01
oh....ich liebe es

2006-06-09 // 07:38:39
mon dieu que c'est beau .... !!!

2006-06-09 // 02:16:04
the two images together are perfect. i love your use of composition and light.