2008-12-31 // 02:37:15
not to dark. we see just the right amount of her eyes. beautiful...
she is definitely beautiful :) thank you

2008-11-19 // 23:23:35
Beautiful portrait and dreamie colours....

2008-11-18 // 22:49:29
j'avoue que je faisais pas ma maligne assise au bord...
Tu as été d'un courage admirable et j'en ai la preuve en photo!

2008-11-18 // 22:43:12
j'ai dit que je ne grimpais pas aux arbres.... :)
t'as bien failli t'envoler avec le parapluie et tomber dans la Seine, encore un petit effort!!!!

2008-11-18 // 22:34:45
ah ah :)

2008-11-18 // 22:32:53
Ça y est on est retombé dans du Jaques Demy, genre conte de fée décallé!

Si on transforme Bilbo en peau d'âne, Dan va nous tuer. il va nous faire la peau Dan (pardon c'est pitoyable mais ça m'a fait rire)

2008-11-18 // 21:28:54
Et qui s'occupe du convoi de juments en furie à la poursuite de bilbo? Pas moi en tous cas!
nan toi tu poses genre chevalier s.ombre :) y a du matériel pour du grand n'importe quoi, on va finir avec myrussiantoy en fée suspendue aux branches...

2008-11-18 // 21:24:32
i'll be willing to ride a white horse by the river only if it's Bilbo himself. and if marion takes the picture. ;)


2008-11-18 // 21:11:08
Boh!? Ben non! Ca ne me va pas comme qualificatif!
ah merde pardon je croyais ;b c'est qu'il est sensible le calimero

2008-11-18 // 21:00:07
Femme létale!

"Emilie riding a white horse by the Seine" on a blurry picture !!!!! Ah Ah Ah! .

c'est qu'il est hargneux le bestiau !

2008-11-18 // 18:18:04
haha. okay.

although i haven't seen him lately as it's now dark every time i drive past his pad. but there's always a queue of girl horses outside diong their make up, counting their condoms and things. so i guess he's at home.

ah ah what a lady killer!!!

2008-11-18 // 18:13:03
No, thank you for asking though.

I think that would be more than a mere boy from the country can bear.


alright just send Bilbo over then :)

2008-11-18 // 17:49:46
At the risk of being boring and writing over all your pictures, this is quite brilliant too.

The darkness adds to the mystery.

Don't be daft, you're not boring at all, I'm always happy when you drop a line. Take your dolls and your cameras (and Bilbo if you can..) and come and join us; we'll take outrageously romantic shots of Emilie riding a white horse by the Seine.

2008-11-18 // 17:39:39
I find the colours perfect the way they are, and I still love the tones you get with these last pictures. I'm amazed :)
Well, Emilie looks lovely anyway ( even though I didn't manage to take a great portrait of her as her beautiful eyes look way too dark) so it was worth posting. thanks for your kind words and your sweet support.