2009-02-01 // 08:44:55
it's cool phrazing.
the moment in time which stands still with polaroid.
…your polaroids.

i like it!

write it in the margin…
do you know ?
Paul Nash's photographs/document and image.

i image it…,

a movie of Niko Pirosmani.
Sergei Parajanov/Color of Pomegranates.
Jonas Meka/Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania.

………i kinda dig it,
some dreams?


thank you for this comment! i must ask you some questions--do you mean the phrases: "no swimming, just walking, borders, continue"? they are really just notations so that i can remember this day and its motion better...very practical, to my eyes. but you make such wonderful connections--it's one thing i love so much about your work. like this, for example, thinking about the Arbus photo: »link
what an association!

and do you mean the British painter, Paul Nash? I didn't realize he made photos, as well, if this is who you mean....i will look for examples of his photo/documentary work. his paintings are surreal, or some of them, but have a lingering sadness, don't they.

thank you so much again...i feel like you have brought so much more to this picture than i did or could!

2008-12-21 // 21:14:08
somehow it seems that magritte has a finger in this also...
great picture.


ha--hadn't thought of that! thank you, nimano.
i love your photos, from Sanna and Nora to your
latest self-portrait!

2008-11-12 // 12:02:44
Dear master of framing,

let me just tell you that you are one of the most important reasons of me still being on this website.


a grateful message sent to you, j....

2008-11-09 // 22:20:09



it is marvelous to see this comment!

2008-11-09 // 14:27:17
What is his work? The painting or the branch?


that's the whole point.

2008-11-09 // 14:15:04
Madame, this is just awesome.

that'll make courbet happy--he's such an insecure bastard--always nervous about showing his work.

(i must box you about those ears of yours later, dear sir. i'm sorry! in advance.)

2008-11-08 // 07:30:57
a painting in the painting

by one of my favorite painters--and i'd never seen this Courbet before! makes me see pigeons in a whole new light!

2008-11-08 // 05:37:50
da original border master...

i'd be nothing without my borders.

2008-11-08 // 00:11:14
this one is grand as well! i also enjoy the fact that you left the boarders on! it saved that small bit of his face!

i like the idea of things continuing beyond the borders. thank you~