2008-10-27 // 12:57:35 desao I think people were maybe expecting it to be like SX70, it isn't, so shouldn't be compared to it. I think we should appreciate it for what it is, it definitely has its own qualities.
Anyway, I feel I'm preaching to the converted here, so I shall bid you good day!
You take care
exactly- yes it will never be SX-70 but its much nicer than 600 and has a great tone to it- the only thing I dislike is that it goes a bit greenish in places where green shouldn't be- like a murky green. But I can live with that! It feels very soft and textural....I want more!
:) Have a lovely day!
2008-10-27 // 12:44:36 desao I love the colour of this one. Interesting stuff this TZ artistic
i really like it actually- many don't. I am glad you like it- it was my first TZ artistic shot!