2008-08-31 // 18:53:18
(oui, la jeune femme en photo c'est moi)
(je place ma réponse au pif :))

Au pif au pif.. Y a-t-il une référence sournoise à mon appendice nasale!

2008-08-31 // 17:11:36
Chapeau bas !
Mes respects grand prince!

2008-08-31 // 17:03:02
tout est une question d'intonation.

2008-08-31 // 16:49:08
j'aime bien.
J'aime bien le BIEN de "j'aime bien" ;)

2008-08-31 // 11:18:03
There's a sharp difference between clever and sensitive postprocessing such as this one and fake polaroids. And yeah, your shots are definitely full of feelings. Congrats on your SOTD.
Merci beaucoup...:)

2008-08-31 // 01:10:08
don't know but the result is stunning!
Maybe it was something like that »link
But I'm not sure i can remember!
Thanks for this comment...
For sure there is some post production... But postmachin needs also feelings.