2008-08-29 // 16:13:51
I have never been to berties in my life .. i have however been in both corkers and the beach so I will get down from my high horse ..

They are mostly doing a course at South Fistral and then eating at the Chy at 7pm. I guess I can go about 8.30 .. I am too old to go back to mordor after for mayhem ..

You're not the only one....

Going to surfstock tomorrow though. I just imagine that will be like Berties except outside. Last year it was pretty decent but this time it's looking a bit flash and shit.

2008-08-29 // 15:51:43
oh wicked .. yes get your act together!

I want to but I have a BF group in Newquay that weekend so I need to take them to dinner & then come .. not sure how quickly I can do that .. what time is it on until on the sat night ..

I don't know... Late i'd have thought but i think it will be quite a mellow affair. And even if you're there late there'll still be the people showing there till late into the night. I get back from Belgium the day of the exhibition (that's one of my drags of not being sure whether i can get it done in time).

Take them surfing and to dinner in St Merryn, go to the exhibition and then go back to Mordor late at night for some hideousness in Berties or something?

2008-08-29 // 15:11:07
digital pants?!? are you going the no surf in cornwall thang?
I'm in the no surf in Cornwall thing if i get my act together. . . .

Must do that soon...

You coming?

2008-08-27 // 12:45:38
cool way of waking up
Hmmm. Only on a weekend.

2008-08-27 // 01:09:31
Uh, I hope you don't mind another "D" word...

Nice doobie.


The doobie is most certainly analog(ue).

The pants remain digital.

2008-08-27 // 00:41:35
I said I was sorry! You used the D word! And the other time it was an accident.
Someday we all will be wearing digital pants.

I hope not Delilah.

I found 10 35mm Fuji films for 10p each in a car boot sale the other day. Film will go on.

I also went up to another stall and asked if you have any cameras. He said, "oh no not really, only a Polaroid". ONLY a polaroid. I tried to contain my excitement and not look to keen. In the end it was only a classic 600 or other but it was mint and in a case and had instructions for £2. So i'll have to read the manual for a few days before i dare try it out.



2008-08-27 // 00:23:31
nice pants
thank you for noticing.

they are digital.
and by the way why am i talking to you after you deleted all my finely constructed comments?