2008-10-19 // 11:17:18

Too many submissions, I'm afraid! Really the rule is only 1 (one) old upload allowed. You can upload as many new pictures made *specifically for the project* as you'd like. But if you notice the last line of the project description, the emphasis is on new or previously unshared work only.

Projects are ideally about responding to the theme to create new work, as per the definition of the word project.

I do believe you've uploaded 12 pictures from your gallery. Not precisely in the spirit of projects. If everybody uploaded 12 pictures then this would be numbingly dull to follow. There would be thousands of submissions and it would take me until next year to wade through them all.

Please choose only 1 or 2 pictures, the ones you feel capture the absolute distilled essence of the project theme, and remove the rest. At the moment they will *all* simply be ignored when it comes time to choose winners. You will have increased your chances of getting noticed to nil.

I see that I didn't reed the roles .... and I see your point.

All subs ar canceled :-)

