2008-08-03 // 21:32:24
Trop fort .... c aussi pour le taf ?
Disons que c'est en plus du taf :-)

2008-07-27 // 18:37:32
This in a thought provoking portrait because your image has captured the mystery of personal tragedy as well as the hope and strength displayed in her face and bode language. Thank you for sharing this endearing life portrait in picture and words with the world. We are better people for it.
Kind regards, David

Many thanks antonioni
Better people..... I hope so

2008-07-09 // 15:54:02
wow. excellent portrait, too.


Oh thanks... Even if the pola is not very good (euphemism) I love it. Edith is really kind with me
thx !

2008-07-08 // 23:12:15
tu te décides enfin à photographier la mémoire ;)
Je tente d'en faire une de temps en temps, une fois mon taf fini.
Et nrs traduit ;-)