2009-02-04 // 21:31:08
second click in the unseen.

gotta love chicks who dig wine from the bottle. sweet beads too.

2008-07-11 // 20:09:12
Looks like a lot of water passed under the bridge in a few weeks on here! This series is gorgeous Dan.
wondered where you'd been.. and now i know. ireland hey? amazing.. lucky you.

welcome back and nice photos you bring with you.

ps// thanks

2008-07-04 // 00:47:44
i totally agree with inkaust. i once promised to abuse my swinger and film for party shots. and i swear, i did. just the film was bone dry, and the bulbs exploded while inserting.
don't stop.
can i be next in the row for the rose?

(sidenote - i should bring you together with friends of mine one day. hardcore surfers. beach partisans)

the rose is on its way via sweden. perhaps by a mythical paper boat.

2008-06-30 // 21:22:19
Woow ! great shot !!!
Ah thanks reyo...

Just good timing!

2008-06-30 // 11:27:21
i have the same doubts about uploading such pictures but it's good to make exceptions and show them from time to time.

we can't upload animals and buildings forever, can we? :o)

NO! you're right! or animals and trees... ;-)

2008-06-30 // 10:08:06
we really need more party shots like these here. they're just great.

and i'd like to join a party on the beach like that one day.

oh good.... I was worried about uploading party shots! ;-)

it's always hard whether pictures of friends are interesting to anyone else....

2008-06-30 // 03:22:13
fantastic seri!

thanks my man. glad you appreciate.