2010-01-04 // 01:50:23
beauty and the...... beauty...

2008-07-11 // 23:01:59
I missed this gem of yours. So trendy, but in the good, timeless sense.
aw thanks for that compliment. im not really into fashion and stuff, so being trendy in a timeless sense makes more sense to me. thankyou :)

2008-07-05 // 23:38:39
love it ;)
:) glad you do!

2008-07-03 // 04:14:02
merci beaucoup! :)

2008-07-02 // 16:19:39
come sempre favolose foto :)
gracias :)
erm... grazie, sorry :)

2008-07-02 // 12:32:51
This is lovely!!
thanks :)

2008-06-29 // 10:23:36
Je crois que g. a tout dit.
Je rajoute un v+f.
Tu l'as probablement déjà vu mais ils ont de nouveau du 669 à unsaleable...
Si j'avais le bon appareil j'en achèterais moi...

oooh non, j'avais pas vu pour le 669!!
merci miss, pour l'info et pour ton vote :)

2008-06-28 // 13:24:06
sexy and innocent at the same time :)
thankyou girl :)

2008-06-28 // 00:39:04
ok. i'll try it tomorrow.

i've never worn red. but i have some in my house (and some remover!) so tomorrow i'll show you how these ingredients in the wrong hands are not sexy!

haha :)

2008-06-27 // 22:39:08
oh my. this is wonderful. i love it right away, but i guess in 10 or 20 years this would remind me to the wonderful world of polaroid with a smile on my face. not sad, but happy to have all these memories, and seeing them reincarnated in just one polaroid - the lovely colours, the random, the polaroid magic, the beauty, the selfs one takes more with polaroids than any other medium, the cameras, and the love and addiction to all that.


and the title is just perfect.

oh, thankyou, g.!
wow that's such a lovely comment - the idea that this very picture might stand as the epitome of polaroidness to someone!
and it means a lot to me that seeing this pic gives you that feeling of anticipated nostalgia. it's a feeling i often have and that i cherish.
when i peeled the film apart, the colours were amazing - you know, those almost timezero blue/green/yellowish tints - but as it dried, the green disappeared and gave way to that less interesting, more faded blue/purple tint you can see here. My IDUV always does that, which kinda pisses me off :( i wish i could have frozen it when it was green. Maybe i'll try that next time...
haha. yes im a nerd :)
thanks for stopping by!

2008-06-27 // 21:56:28
Eliza is right.

Uber sexy in an entirely geeky way. Not an easy trick to pull off!

Eliza is always goddam right! doesnt she get on your nerves? :)
apparently the trick is: red nailpolish + polaroid camera = sexy geekiness. you should try :)

2008-06-27 // 18:32:06
proud little girl!
am no longer a little girl, papa curry ;)

2008-06-27 // 18:26:55
J'dirais rien.......

Pour l'instant

si ce n'est

1rst comment »link

bon ben je dirai rien non plus ;)
bien vu pour le miniportrait de raul - d'ailleurs je suis dessus, même si pas très reconnaissable..!

2008-06-27 // 17:44:46
I like it.
extraordinary performance!!

thankyou :)
not sure extraordinary is the word, but glad you like. and welcome here. loved your first upload, so hope to see more.

2008-06-27 // 17:36:09

Quite chic, intensely hip, and quirkily nerdy all at once. A nice combination.

why are your descriptions always better than my pictures??

2008-06-27 // 17:25:41
Laconique mais foudroyante définition du bonheur !

2008-06-27 // 17:23:00
here is my "ultravote".

haha, thanks for ultravoting!
glad you think this is nice. :)