2008-01-23 // 05:33:04
best 500 film shot

2007-06-04 // 09:56:34
C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O* N*S

This wonderful SotD-picture was selected to be published in the 3rd volume of the Pocket Polaroid Series #003 „SHOT OF THE DAY“.

Could you please tag the image with „PPS03_book“, to give everybody the chance to see what pictures are included in the book?

Take care, stay creative and once more: thanks a million times for participating in this project!


2005-12-26 // 00:19:59
miguel (unverified)

colher as molas ofreçidas dos vizinhos de cima, assistir os pombos doentes, coltivar o "manjericão que nunca cresce"...pois é

2005-11-14 // 19:07:11
i had a dream, you shot it...bella

2005-11-14 // 13:08:19
Incredibile... un quadro! Con la Vision, poi!

2005-11-14 // 10:53:07
questa merita di essere SHOT OF THE MONTH da quanto è bella!!!
tu con la vision ci sai davvero fare...

Grazie !:D
la vision è stata la mia prima macchina, le sue foto vivono il fascino della prima volta..;)

2005-11-13 // 22:48:29
This is beautiful, like a painting...the lighting, the subtle colours! Well deserving of shot of the day!

and the place was very poetic...
Thank you!

2005-11-13 // 16:09:13
Great colours, great view. very gooooooooood!
Thank you Pola!

2005-11-13 // 15:53:58
YAY!!! Congrats on the shot of the day! I suggested you! Yippieee :D Love it!
I'm very glad for your promotion!:D Great!
I hope to fulfil your dream soon...;)

2005-11-13 // 15:27:35
és foto do dia!!!! :D
Viva a casa na Graça!

Sempre a Esplanada no coração!

2005-10-27 // 19:34:32
Scan on top quality and resize? On some of my polaroids it looks really good. Very soft and blurred but indeed dreamy and special. Maybe you try it and tell me what you think. Doesn't work well with all of them but some! Maybe you like it!

2005-10-17 // 12:22:25
SO FREAKIN' GORGEOUS!!! Wish I could see it larger! Have it as a huge print on my wall! Wonderful!
WOW that atractive imagination!
It's real a magic place... an haunt hidden between the Lisbon hills. But only a little polaroid..too little for a wall ! but if you have magic potions to enlarge, I will be very please to learn!