2008-07-03 // 11:22:37 fabulafr I don't think it is as famous as the Eiffel Tower :-)
In fact it has been built in 2005 and delivered in Aix en Provence in 2007 by Vittorio Gregotti. This is the new Theatre for Aix en Provence Lyric and Opera Festival.
When on top, you got one of the best view on the city.
Will post more polaroids of the point of view.
2008-06-01 // 20:42:06 yoffrey is that a famous piece of architectrure?
2008-05-20 // 21:43:05 mattjudas seems to be a ghostly architecture.
very interesting image
Thanks. It is kind of. Between reality and darkness.
I was happy with the aspect of the picture.