2008-06-11 // 10:38:53 niko that one is absolutely cool. That would make a great album artwork. Hope to see more soon. v
2008-05-16 // 20:20:56 SteveTilbury very very good mosaic sammis, excellent work!
2008-05-06 // 22:45:19 manu63 bravo, go on v
2008-05-06 // 22:36:13 matznet complimentz, oltre all'ottimo risultato hai compiuto il miracolo di far sembrare pol un 15enne e non un 60enne :P
2008-05-06 // 21:55:59 LATELIERp great one. and nice tribute to mister Galimberti... he's my hero!! voted.
2008-05-06 // 21:06:15 yungal v+f!!