2008-04-30 // 22:20:14 Jay Smashing series, these clouds passed over Ireland too in the last few days, lots of hailstones giving the fairies headaches!
yes the sky wents incredibly dark today, almost black. and if you turned your eyes 180 degrees it was the complete opposite. stunning views.
oh and thanx :-)
2008-04-30 // 21:07:24 superficielle houps j'ai oublié de dire que j'aimais beaucoup
2008-04-30 // 21:05:41 superficielle ciel de plomb !! ça donne pas envie de relever la tête...
2008-04-30 // 20:46:55 aelstn oh so u have a pair of fake tits , too? great! so I don´t have to worry anymore.
2008-04-30 // 20:38:37 aelstn haha,
I didn´t even know lara has a gun?! these fake huge tits were hypnotizinh me.
but, good luck!
well i hope they'll hypnotize the aliens too, otherwise my ass is in bad shape ;-)
2008-04-30 // 20:34:55 aelstn you will. but on the ship with a sensor in ur ass! haa!
wait til i find my lara croft shorts and my guns and you'll see that no alien will see even the color of it :))))
2008-04-30 // 20:30:52 aelstn reminds me of "independence day" the big alien ship that looked like a big cloud over the city - watch out !