2008-04-17 // 01:19:25
Haha, ditto »link

All those little bits of plastic you find are called Mermaid's Tears. A rather beautiful name for something so horrible.

I don't remember the sprinkles at Watergate though...

2008-04-17 // 00:48:28
Very Andy Hughes (have you seen his latest book?). I've taken this sort of thing on digital but never polaroid. It works quite well like this, especially cos of the good focus and the great colours...
I know who he is ..I didn't know he had a book I will check it out .. i have a strange fascination for beach rubbish .. its a love hate thing.. »link

i remember once seeing at watergate loads of tiny colourful plastic sprinkles that my friend says is from a toy container that is sunk off the coast there somewhere from years and years ago .. so damaging all this plastic in our seas