2008-04-16 // 11:56:28 HyppoliteAlaska ok I see :)
thank you for the links, the pictures are beautiful, Id like so much to see wild horses/pony like that. It's brilliant.
Im thinking about starting a horse project.. well actually I have already started but after my holidays and exams I think Ill take the time to shot many horses I know.
gonnay add you in my list, so I can follow your horses dreams.
you take care
2008-04-16 // 09:48:44 HyppoliteAlaska is bilbo a shetland ?
No i don't think so. He hasn't got that shetland shape.
I think technically he's a moor pony. They live semi wild on Bodmin Moor and then are quite often brought into shelter in the winter.. But most are a little bigger than this little chap and are often pie or skewbald. Obviously, i try and hunt down the whites (greys!).