2008-03-28 // 12:40:59
ahha well in my work I am different as well, but I work impulsively and am very...intuitively decisive, I know what I want when I see it :-)
I think I took 20 pics. I met Rio 2 times more but did not dare shoot him haha silly me, he is just so cute :-)
Yes, actually I most probably will be in Paris again, my dear friend found another flat! And I'd love to work a bit with you maybe, but we'd have to see :-)

yours, freckles

haha, you and Rio were so cute ;) I cant wait to see other uploads of the wedding proposal..;)
Good to hear you'll be in Paris again!
I promise next time we'll all make an effort not to speak too much french (i felt pretty bad about that too...).
Definitely let me know if you'd like to work on something together, that'd be lovely...;)
yours, frogeyes.

2008-03-28 // 12:29:22
Thanks so much!!
Yes, I was scared suddenly everyone might leave and i didn't take any haha and I pre planned how many I'd like to take, and I liked most of them, so it wasn't a waste by far :-)
I found POLA669 was wasting much morefilm actually haha

you took so many i dont even remember them!! i do remember the 600 BW series though, they were all amazing.
I felt a little bad that i took so few, but somehow i have this strange relationship with my camera and it usually takes me hours before i decide to take a picture. Everything was going too quickly for me that afternoon, i wish we'd had more time!
But yeah. All those packs of 665 wasted right in front of us, it was truly heartbreaking... I hope he can find some again, as he obviously makes the most of it.
You gotta come back to Paris, freckles!!

2008-03-28 // 03:05:09
I still need to scan all mine..but at the moment life is chaos! But soon!
yay i cant wait to see them! you took so many, it was pretty unbelievable... was nice to meet you! and good luck with the chaos...;)

2008-03-22 // 12:41:23
Ah le bar du marché? Je vois qu'on change de décor de café...
J'imagine que c'était une rencontre sympatoche??

hehe, ce n'est pas moi qui ai choisi le lieu de RDV. Mais ça fait du bien de changer un peu :) sympatoche meeting indeed!

2008-03-19 // 14:19:13
Such a beauty
looks like you all had a nice time :)

thank you :)

2008-03-19 // 11:39:01
Vachement bien, cette photo ! Tu en as d'autres pour United_Polanoiders ? vf;)
en fait c'est dommage, c'est pas très pratique ce polanoiders united... ça fait un peu "redite" de devoir les reposter sur un autre compte. Enfin je suppose qu'on ne peut rien y faire... Je les posterai toutes en même temps quand j'en aurai plus :)

2008-03-19 // 00:02:16
Auréole rouges sur cheveux roux!

ouais, c'est marrant. En fait cette auréole, c'est la chemise rouge du garçon de café qui passait par là ;)

2008-03-18 // 23:50:00
je les ai pas toutes vu , mais celle la je l'aimais beaucoup et je l'aime toujours autant......
merci alex :)
je n'ai mis que les deux que j'aimais bien. Les autres ne sont pas top, alors autant ne pas polluer polanoid ;)
Hâte de revoir les tiennes en noir et blanc!
et à bientôt :)