2008-03-23 // 23:30:21
I would vote if there would be a posibility! cngrts!

2008-03-06 // 14:50:29
oh! so happy to see this on the cover! i can't remember the last time that knees were featured so prominently, or a pair that made such a splash! congratulations!

Hihi, a silent knee splash in the wild. Thank you!

2008-03-06 // 06:32:51

The cover will be a pleasant place to linger for the next 19 hours. Yes, a quiet one. Wonderful. Girl, steam, tree, and knees. Yes knees. Amalia is clearly a sex-obsessed American.

A perfect chocolate peel. Like siho, but with a person (sporting superb bangs, I might add). And your exposure goes nicely with WMs front page color palette. This is important.

Bravo, J. Go crazy. Celebrate. Buy yourself some Prada heels.

"Buy yourself some Prada heels" is what I will keep with me from this day.

More dans le gmail. Until then, lots of hugs and kisses from your latest fashionista!

2008-03-06 // 03:59:32
Yes! Look at this! It's the knees/islands/boobies.
Little islands boob-ing along the Sea of Knees. Mais oui.

2008-03-06 // 02:07:07
well deserved
this pic makes me think of modesty
splendid framing
i've got some chocolate in my fridge
i'll have to try it

My humble thanks, monsieur.
Is it manwinmodesty you think of or just plain ol' modesty. If it's the former then I am even more humble in my thanks!

Anatole should def be chocolized at some point! Choco-children are the best( »link ).

2008-03-06 // 01:52:59
one of the silent ones.
so glad.

(and, having a look at the favers... no, just two knee-lovers. good ratio ;)

[cdr - no comment. lol]

Thank you Geraldoroid (I have stopped calling you papa christmas - did you notice?). It's not totally silent though. I have the choco next to me on the desk and from time to time it whispers and hints of a gentle rain falling on the rocks and a breeze through the branches.

I will from now on disregard the knees and only focus on girls and trees combined. If I want to go all the way with this then two knee-favers is just not enough. (/hubris).

2008-03-06 // 01:34:41
i'm sorry i missed this today. what the hell was i doing instead?

Well, I can't answer for you but I spent the days eating cookies. Only crumbles left to celebrate with, but celebrate we will!

2008-03-05 // 02:20:37
ha. i also know the connection to the f....r site, haha. but only to check from time to time which treasures some people for whatever reason haven't uploaded yet...

vote for the.....

I am glad that my logic works for once. I figured some like girls, some like trees and some like steam, so by including them all I should maximize my vote-ratio. All this was of course in my mind that peaceful Sunday morning (... ;) ).

2008-03-04 // 23:32:08
röst och fav såklart...; )
Bra reklam för hasseludden det här!

Tack och bock! Ska bli kul att se vad du åstadkommer när ni tar er dit nån gång (man kan ju åka dit bara över dagen också, för att bada).

2008-03-04 // 15:54:45

Two little islands. Knees in bathtubs are islands. This isn't a bathtub, not exactly. But still. And what do you maroon on bathtub knees? Letters of course!

There is good precedence for this. Salinger's Zooey reads a four-year-old letter in the bathtub, resting it on his knees while he smokes a cigarette.

Wonderful, Johan. Feel the steamy hot water, see the trees outside. Combination makes my skin prickle.

Prickle prickle!

Actually this bath is outdoors, so if she wanted she could reach for the nearest branch and swing herself down toward the sea (we Swedes are close to nature, you know).

2008-03-04 // 15:12:33
I think choco suits this just fine! It's all faded and monotone, the time zero could have been beautiful too but I think this works very well as is. Second choice would have been 600 b&w, but since I've never even gotten to hold that kind, I can't fault you for that either.

I also have to say...and please don't hate me for saying this, but upon my initial viewing, I thought her knees were her instead a buoyant part of a female body. Haha!

Haha! That last part was a concern to her too, but much begging I was allowed to upload it anyway (in exchange for me doing the laundry, cooking and scratching her back at any time during the day that she wishes).

I brought so many cameras to Stockholm. ProPack, two SX-70, LC-A and Holga, plus plenty of film. But I was tired from carrying all those heavy beauties around during the previous nerdout with manwinmodesty, so tired in fact that my aching muscles pleaded to my brain (I was asleep at this time and wasn't told until much later) not to bring *everything* along for the rest of the weekend. The complaint was accepted and the SX-70's rested. Such a stupid body I have...

2008-03-04 // 14:30:11
beautiful! (the photo wouldn't be the same without those knees poking out!)

Thank you!

The Girl didn't like the knees poking out, but I loved it. I don't know, it gives her an "aura" of both relaxation and protectiveness, perhaps? Or perhaps they can be seen as little ice bergs floating by (decisive moment!) in the cold Swedish morning. Maybe a brother and sister pear swimming past, like two little creatures from the world of Sven Nordqvist (author of famous Swedish childrens books about Pettsson and Findus - look them up if you don't know them, they are for the most part fantastic).

Maybe they are just knees and she's sitting like that because she doesn't want her breasts to be all over the Noid. Who knows!

2008-03-04 // 09:30:26



Anyway, NOW I've made the connection, this is gorgeous and has a great mood. The water looks fantastic, the trees fading in the background, and then there's the surreptitious glances from the water girl....

vote and favorite.


I knew picking another name for Fl***er (oops, sorry WM!) would cause some confusion, but it's really satisfying to see people make the connection (you're like... the second person to do that) so I think I will keep it this way. Just for the "Oh. OH!!"s.

When we woke up early that morning I just knew that I had to bring some cameras to the hot bath. The evening before, when the place was full of people, I thought of your dreamworld-polas and thought that perhaps this would be a nice setting for an expired SX-70 twin. But, drowsy and sleepy I forgot the SX-70 in my room (a *very* long walk, mind you) and when I got back after breakfast the Stockholmians had invaded the place. Dreamworld, no more. It would have been a beautiful SX-70 (more a praise to the film than my photographic experience) that I of course would've dedicated to you. But now it doesn't exist, at least not outside my mind. Would you settle for a make-belief dedication?