2008-02-29 // 07:46:56
Je suppose que tu connais Christian Boltanski »link look in the artist name listing.
Thanks anyway

pas encore mais je vais jeter in oeil ;-)
merci pourle lien!!!

2008-02-28 // 19:23:13

2008-02-28 // 18:38:19
Wow, what an amazing series. can't choose a fav. and I don't think it would be right to do so. I was drawn to comment here purely because of the beautiful lady upon the image. But I'm going to fav them all. I'm afraid I can't vote at the moment though.
thanx man :)

its a very special thing to me... crawling in all those old pictures, remembering things that were supposed to be forgotten for good, good moments, bad moments, its pretty much like an explosion in your face.
still dont know if its making me feel good or bad, but something happens inside my bowels.... anyway, project finished.

glad you liked it!