2008-04-11 // 12:27:02
... not so terrible when it gives you the opportunity to take pictures like that!
i like the 3rd one best, the composition makes it look like some faraway (christmas?)galaxy.

2008-03-01 // 02:01:59
low-end kitsch but how cheerful:)) but since it is intelligently en sabled it is provoking ..... and very american indeed.

2008-02-15 // 03:45:16
"terrible christmas thing"
but the photos..(...)

2008-02-15 // 02:48:15
But the photos are amazing!
What do you mean by "But the photos are amazing" ?

2007-12-31 // 13:56:16
i love this! especially the last one
Thanks !
Yes ! you are maybe right Christina... me I don't know which one I should prefer..I like the first one because of the kind of "Infra Red" effect on the tree branches...it look like in fire in somes ways.
the last one is sharper...
I think I will upload them individually soon.
Happy New Year Polanoidic camarade !

2007-12-31 // 10:22:42
wow ! hope you survived

Hi ! how are you ?

Well I faught hard ! J'ai batailler dure ! car il fait froid en ce moment dans les montagnes de Los Angeles.
Mais bon en regardant les photos un peu apres, premierement ...cela m'a rechauffer et m'a rapeller le premier "The Thing" bien avant celui de John Carpenter which was called "L'homme carotte" en Francais je crois donc I could'nt resist to named the triptych this way...I might remove "Terrible" its a bit way too much. don't you think ;-) ?
Desoller pour les references cinematographique ca vient tout seul en ce moment, je ne suis meme pas particulierement mordue de cinema...enfin je veux dire dans le style stereotypique Los Angelinos...

Bonne Annee !