2007-11-20 // 10:04:46 ciarco79 nice one...
miniportrait was my first pola-LOVE
2007-11-19 // 21:12:43 emilie79 Jolie pépite en tout cas :)
n'est-ce pas...
2007-11-19 // 21:02:51 emilie79 haaan! Lucky you!! moi j'ai "remporté" un miniportrait cambo sur ebay ya deux semaines, et mon vendeur m'a arnaquée (rien reçu et pas de nouvelles). Va falloir que j'aille en litige sur paypal... :((
2007-11-19 // 19:49:44 g. new toy? pepite looks very generous and patient with you ;-)
actually, i bought this cambo last summer. since i haven't took the time to really experiment with it... today, laure was in need of some portrait shots ( for work ) and just asked me to take some "miniportrait's". i know this picture is a classic one, but i really like her peacefull face here.