2007-11-17 // 16:58:57
I've read that flash guide and it's very interesting and informative. Bought a flash from unsaleable when I first joined because I thought that I'd might start to appreciate it more etc. I didn't, so now the flash is collecting dust. Maybe I should try to get rid of it. Maybe the bulbs are different? I've never bothered to get one...

I put one in the package.
update - I had a look and have put in both, a half used Osram in bright orange 70s-design, and a half used polaroid bar, so you can check for yourself what the difference is (if - but I think so).

2007-11-17 // 12:31:17
That's a great story "Jon" ;)

I've never been much for flash-SX70(sexy) because I basically feel that it "ruins" the film specific tone that comes from the "ambient" natural light. But here the flash brings out a lovely skin tone! Maybe I should reevaluate my stance on flash photography?

In general I would agree. Don't like the damned effects of expired sexy70? use a flash and wush! away they are. and UH! hear people crying: that waste! that waste!
but traditionally, this film was used just a lot with flashlight, and for indoor famil-y or partyshots. so, to give this some tribute, I don't care for hype.
I have to say, I never was a big fan of the integral films, just tried them out more the last years. I love to peel apart, and I adore the haptic of the 4x5inches.
but now, with definately the last sexy70s in my pantry, I am gettin closer and closer to the characteristics of this film and under which conditions it shows its qualities. For Flash, I'm getting better results with flashbars, and yes, in particular with skin tones. Unfortunately, I did not record, which ones I used when. Maybe it was the original polaroid one. but maybe not, and that's also just hype. but the packaging is not a hype, it's a real classic. (if you don't have one of those bars, drop me a note, and I will put one into the package for you)
but I have to warn you - you will quiet likely ruin some. I can e you the 'FlashPicturesWithTheSX- 70' manual, some tips to minimize the risk and get some OHHHH! results.
anyway, it's autumn/winter now. bulbs are the way to go. they make happy.



2007-11-16 // 01:43:31
i completely enjoyed reading about your evening in Copenhagen.
the photos compliment the story so nicely. the ladies are lovely.
i feel like i was there, in a small way.

thank you, orezemit. appreciate your words a lot. content as diction.
yes, a lot.