2007-11-08 // 14:36:13
A watched pot never boils. Sorry.

Who took this, anyway? Credit thief!

I put it on the table and set it all up and then got a man with a finger to push the button...so I took it, he was just another tool

2007-11-07 // 16:49:22
this one is very good, very english (sorry)
It is ever the north of england and that was the point of the image, to try capture Mancester without include a land mark or the town etc

2007-11-06 // 23:54:57
I got it and I munna eatcha !
yeah? I'm munna eatcha first!

2007-11-06 // 23:47:52
I'm lost. Who's Anna and who's Hanna ? L.
Hannah is Daniel's wife. Anna is not. Anna lives in Manchester. Hannah lives in Brighton. They are both my friends. They are also friends with each other. Anna is taller than Hannah and she is in this photo, Hannah is in the other photos with the goldfish shower curtains. I am in both photos. I have a beard. My dog's name is Lucas. He has a beard too.