2010-07-19 // 14:42:33 Jay I suspected misunderstoodness, poor use of a badly typed Yorkshire accent which I can't do properly being a Cork Lancashire hybrid.
Right well I've looked at googlemaps now and read wikipedia so all is clearish.
If you ever put on your futuristic shiny space suit and teleport back to said Northumberland there's an interesting lady called Dee Dee Chapman in Corbridge. She's a close friend of my in-laws family and her friend is a friend of my parents by pure coincidence and they just came here on holiday, we were away unfortunately but when I heard about her my imagination started doing somersaults with the thought of you rumaging around her theatrical costume collection.
Hope you're not having too many flashbacks to your druggy days.
I never go to Corbridge, but I know somebody from there. Ask Dee Dee if she knows a kick boxer called Dink who drinks pink "Dink" drinks, lives off Monster Munch and refers to himself and everyone else in the third person as if they were characters in a soap opera. (Example: when discussing the last joint visit to the pub, he might say "Was that the episode when Dink fell off his chair and Esther thought he was going to vomit a Dink drink onto her shoes?" To which someone might reply, "Was Dink even in the last episode? Wasn't he off doing his own spin-off series at the Lamb and Lughole?")
Ah, the fair North Country. Ah the flashbacks.
2010-07-19 // 11:14:15 Jay ah my poor lapsing memory.... thought you were a Geordie. Just came across someone interesting in that neck of the woods.
I'm from Northumberland. That's not the same thing as "being a Geordie", You see, we Northumbrians are more your oafish inbred yokels whereas the Geordies are more your brutish tattooed toerags. Big difference. Though we all have hearts o' gold, so I can see how you might get it mixed up.
(I misunderstood you before. Not reading your comment properly because I was reading my fan mail at the same time in another window.)
2010-07-19 // 10:58:06 Jay were it Newcastle you were drug up in?
No, it was Munich. But I don't do dose wuns anymore.
2010-04-11 // 22:52:47 Jay Poppet? I thought that word was only known to Dublin 4 OCD lonely housewives, you are a clever lexicographer!
Thought you'd appreciate it.
2010-04-11 // 22:50:07 Jay Thanks for the heads-up,
she could probably do with the distraction,
she's well able to defend herself.
My e-mail addy is on my profile for future emergencies.
This comment will self-distruct in.....
2006-12-08 // 14:40:05 macs really love the colors!!
2006-06-07 // 16:10:39 lhirondelle i love that so much