2008-01-05 // 18:19:01
great shot
thanks - i wonder where he/she is now...

2007-11-15 // 21:47:55
wow- so amazing...love it!
thanks! i had to wait ages for him to keep still, but i really wanted to take a shot... freedom was his reward

2007-09-10 // 11:47:20
Amazing how close you could get! The focus is perfect. Love the colors aswell!
thanks a lot... i used a close-up lens from a video camera in order to get near. the colours are down to the expired film - the whole pack came out like this...

2007-09-09 // 03:08:29
nice shot! this appears to be the spider that we call the "hobo spider" in the u.s. don't let that little bastard bite you, he is poisonous!
thanks for the comment... i think this is a giant house spider (one of the hobo spider's less dangerous relatives). big, fast and scary-looking, but ultimately harmless.
thankfully, our creepy crawlies are not as exciting as the ones you get in the U.S. they rarely pose much of a threat...

2007-09-08 // 21:40:44
cool picture !
had one of those on the carpet the other day, it ended up much less glamorous though...

this fella was set free - probably terrorising some other household as we speak...