2007-06-25 // 21:30:45
I like those kind of pictures. light blurry movements...and what a great film. I used to 'switch' packfilm-polas into postcards, but these days, german post decided "this is not a regular size. it punishes our sorting machines". aaaargh!
Hey g, Back in the day, i went through a phase of pushing the patience of the royal mail too. I must say they were pretty mpressive. I found you could basically stick an address on anything and, provided you get it into the post-box, it would be sent without problems. I even tried just writing an address on a post-it note with no stamp, and it was delivered within a week to a friend. For some reason, there's a shop in Osaka which is currently selling off loads of 600 film with this "airmail" design at a discount price....