2007-06-19 // 01:39:37 zveliakine I like picture with no obvious meaning (the kind of things I hardly succeed in). They just make me dream....
2007-06-13 // 22:40:34 sikost J'aime beaucoup:)!! V+F
2007-05-18 // 21:28:54 calicant I agree with Hugh... :)
2007-05-18 // 19:59:46 Hugh Whitaker great image....love it
2007-05-18 // 13:03:13 emilie79 really like this! vote
2007-05-18 // 12:37:33 Ivan it`s nice when you can scent the presence of the photographer .. like it.. v
2007-05-18 // 12:21:11 musterfrau ...and a very nice one. vote