2007-05-15 // 00:02:13
do it! : D I like it because of the better colors and the faster film speed, but you can't do emulsion lifts with it.

2007-05-14 // 23:50:08
somthing else nice about 690! it's self timing so you can just stick it in your pocket and not worry
looks like I'm going to have to get some :0)

2007-05-09 // 18:55:51
i like this portrait a lot.

Thanks :)

2007-05-08 // 16:09:40
How early was this pulled? I'm such a chicken when it comes to that, clocking everything with my mobile, calculating how many seconds to substract because of hot or cold weather etc.
it was 15 seconds at 20 degrees, I used to be really precise, but often i get bored and just want to have a look! with 669 i sometimes just leave them. So if i'm out walking i pull the polaroid and then just put them in my pocket in a cold clip, you can still pull them when they're dry 20 minutes is about the longest i've tried

2007-05-08 // 01:10:28
I just noticed this image. How great. The layers of information you have to go through to see the image. Perfect! and I think the seriousness works well in this :)
Thank you :0) one of my favourite things about polaroid is the shadows when you pull the film early, they have this great texture to them.

2007-05-07 // 19:14:17
i was going to say the same thing as our dear friend. if i haven't seen you live i would think you're always so serious :o) but some more polanoid socials would only do you good :o)

....it's still a very good selfportrait...

self portraits are strange, i don't think you ever consciously make an expression, its just the way they turn out, here's a smile instead :0)

2007-05-07 // 16:43:10
uh, so serious.. ;-) we should have spared you some of the vodka, lol. would add to the burning effect. we've been quite into portraits here too, you'll see soon.
yes the serious face could have done with some vodka! looking forward to some uploads then :)

2007-05-07 // 02:45:33
Very good selfportrait
Thank you

2007-05-06 // 21:55:34