2007-05-06 // 22:34:06
Hugh Whitaker
I love Ando's work, especially his churches

2007-04-14 // 19:00:31
already the others got me, faved one, but this reminded to one of my favourite: »link (not speaking about me but the view - and landart in general, if we consider good architects to be part of that, and yes, i do) - that guy seems to be quiet interesting.
uh, need to save money for a trip. or better play lottery? sell my films...ouch.

Hey g, thanks for the comments. Ando Tadao is an absolutely fantastic (and prolific) architect, whose style is really suited to this southern part of japan - he's designed a lot of interesting buildings in the areas devastated by the Hanshin (or Kobe) earthquake in 1995. He's very consistent in his style, with this bare concrete somewhat of a signature. I think he must have built a fair number of buildings overseas too, but I'd recommend coming here and checking him out in his natural environment...