2009-05-14 // 16:29:20
i haven't looked at this one in a long while.
i still love it.

2008-01-03 // 20:16:11
today is a snowy day and I was just thinking of this picture!
wow. that's great.

(I dare not to sleep, fearing I would miss the streets covered in snow maybe only for a night....I mean, there _is_ snow, just not as much everywhere as I would like to have for a choco- nightshot...anyway, I'm in snow-country, which makes me happy, and the air is wonderful!)

2007-12-26 // 07:37:16
reminds me of the polar express :)
haven't seen it, but the streets at night are a bit like old movies or fairytales here..

2007-12-19 // 03:52:44
ok ok.. How many pictures have you done from Karin's window? ;) .. Guess it's a lot, because at least three are in your galery :) ..
hehe. sure. quiet a lot. last time on 30years expired polaroid-rollfilm ;-)
but maybe less than I have of the tv-tower, haha.
well, I just like to gaze out of the window...
hm, should tag a project for it. is one.

2007-12-07 // 14:53:40
mmh ok, danke für den hinweis. muss aber dazu anmerken, dass ich mal ein bild mit ner 210er 7min lang belichtet hab. muss die maximale belichtungszeit also doch höher liegen =)
hm, komisch. meiner literatur nach liegt selbst die 320 bei einer sek max.
wer weiss. ist ja auch egal. man sieht's ja, und im schlimmsten/besten falle ist der bug halt ein feature ;-)
hatte mal einen verschluss beim reparaturversuch so zerbastelt, das er offen blieb, solang man drückte. wollte ich natürlich ursprünglich nicht, und mir ging erst danach auf, das das für lochkameras und/oder nachtaufnahmen eigentlich optimal wär. hab' ich leider nie wieder hinbekommen.. :-)

2007-12-07 // 12:14:34
i was there last august, i dislike citycenter but the periphery was exceptional!!! jurmala too...

yeah, oldtown is crowded by tourists in summer. just good enough to have beer somewhere, listen to them, have a smalltalk to them, provoke a bit and then stand up and leave them alone after they outed themselfes as sextourists.
glad you liked it and saw the rest. I'm back there in a few weeks, can't await. snow!!!

2007-11-23 // 03:49:45
Ah well done! Soooo glad to see one of your shots make sotd, It has been long over due. Hope to see many more of your shots make the front page. You are one of the best on here!!
thx mate. can't really deal with a compliment like that, but _am_ flattered. more interested in comments and favs, but votes and sotd are a nice barometer for reallife, helping a bit to get an outer view to the own work, so I won't discard them (but neither trust them totally).
quite glad one of Riga made it though.
hope to see you around again when time allows.
best, g.

2007-11-22 // 16:48:32
oh! how wonderful! congratulations, g. --let the snow celebration begin!!
thx :-)
thirteen days, and I'm there :-)
snowy g.

2007-11-22 // 14:52:03

18 - 9 - 7 - 1


people are peeking out from behind those windows and they see *us* peeking back at *them*

g. they are not happy about this! invasion of privacy! they demand to be taken off the cover! immediately! no, they are not happy at all

but I am

oh yes

; )

they didn't noticed.
I don't do that.
they all became invisible during the long exposure.
only still there for the ones who know.

2007-11-22 // 14:47:34
loved riga last summer... :D
drinking and eating in da main square...
the most relaxing day of the whole travel :D

what have you done there? nobody goes to mainsquare?

2007-11-22 // 14:23:44
love it!

2007-11-22 // 13:05:46
wow beautiful! congrats! x

2007-11-22 // 10:53:43
congrats fella! can't believe this one took so long to SOTD, but well worth the wait.
hey, thx mate!
well, Riga is indeed.
but can't wait..still 13 days filled with stuff till I'm there again. leaning out of the window, lightning a cigarette, looking at the snow..

2007-11-22 // 09:55:34
Yes!! +++

2007-11-22 // 09:31:04
hola! one of my faved!
(mine too.. quite happy it's riga.
am here again and just waiting right now that it starts to snow heavily. have two more chocos in my 110a and would like to try a nightshot :)

2007-11-22 // 09:13:34
oh this is sooo goood!!¨
Nice to wake up to this!!


hej, thanks!
(you're having polanoid for breakfast? wow.)

2007-11-22 // 08:18:04

grazie, macs!
(think your last visit made it. this sotd hit me at a time I had nearly none...so nice than this one made it. black+white, RIGA, calm, timeless. both means more to me, than the sotd itself)

2007-11-22 // 07:23:52
glückwunsch zum sotd! der hat aber lange gebraucht. ich sehe, dass du auch eine propack hast und die anscheinend auch länger belichtet, als ich urspünglich dachte. hast du vielleicht ne ahnung, ob die auch endlos belichten kann, so wie der rest der automatic balgenpolaroids?


gut ding will weile haben ;-) - womit wir beim thema wären: (hatte ich dir das jetzt eigentlich woanders beantwortet, oder war da nur die erinnerung des vorgehabthabens der vater des gedankens?) also, je neuer die packfilm-lands, desto länger hält die automatik den verschluss max. offen. gerademal ausprobiert, bei 2,5min hab ich aufgehört (krampf im finger). aus dem grund aber auch, weil ich bei der propack oft vom auslöser abrutsche und man draussen nicht gut hört, ob er zugegangen ist, löse ich meistens mehrmals aus, um sicherzugehen. und endlos nie wie gesagt, die haben keine 'B'-Stellung, irgendwann regelt die automatik ab. ggf. verdecke ich das magische auge etwas, wenn da 'ne laterne reinstrahlt.

2007-11-22 // 02:32:58
Congratulations - magnificent.
hey you - thanks! btw - you're leaving osaka?

2007-11-22 // 01:37:05
Congrats! You deserve it, i voted for this one too. Its excellent, you really captured the mood, excellent!

2007-11-20 // 18:52:34

2007-11-19 // 14:32:37
looks like a scene from an old movie.

a movie I could watch again and again. one of those where nothing really happens. but little things, if you look closely.

2007-11-15 // 21:22:12
I remember this view, it's very familiar (from »link ). Snow is so beautiful in black and white...
sure. that's why it has the same title ;-)
It's a view I just like a lot..quite some polas of it. everytime: click. as of the tv-tower (hamburg). I will send you one tower-pola. on of the recent nights, I woke up, saw the tower, the half moon, nearly horizontal (like in some arabian flags), and the little bear. so georgeous. but knew, the the time I would need in my sleepy state to grab the tripod, graflex, films, back, testshots....decided it was a nice view and one of the pictures that are just in your mind.
gazing out of the window...

2007-05-29 // 22:55:16
Oh yes, this is superb! If I could have taken this picture I would have been SO pleased!
:-) makes me smile, as I don't know if it's for the polaroid or the location, and both makes me happy

2007-04-23 // 15:13:40
Yes long expousure at night is a beautiful thing! The only thing that sucks is forgetting to wear gloves, in snow like this anyway, something that I have done more than once. Oh the pain we must endure for beautiful photography!!! well done!
still can't resist...felt minus 17 degrees celsius, am in Riga again and still not wearing gloves, waiting for even more snow, with the camera in my hand :-)

2007-02-26 // 23:28:15
this one i like too... i'm glad you share my passion for shooting with ISO100 at night.
me too :-) new passion... i found out the propack, which i have a love-hate relation to, is very good for snow-tripods with that bulit-in snowboard (=case) ;-)

2007-02-25 // 11:08:02
A dreaming shot. Makes me calm

2007-02-24 // 15:18:18
this is a fine - no, fabulous - shot. looks like a Bela Tarr still! (V+F)
happy to have been able to let you draw an connotation. thx for the compliment, and thx for noticing that filmmaker, as I didn't know him - stunning (for all cinephiles: »link ). Means a lot to me.

2007-02-24 // 14:58:55
Yo man, nice atmosphere!


(and I miss it actually...)