2007-02-20 // 06:31:19
done and done. instead of waiting for 14 days prior, im just starting now. i'll be drawing tally marks on my walls for everyday that passes with polaroid emulsion until then.
i've taken to scratching a calendar onto my chest. that way i'll NEVER FORGET

2007-02-20 // 02:48:49
really unkie lou [ive been referring to you as unkie lou when commenting on other peoples pictures]? ya mean it?!?
[wow thats almost my birthday. what are you getting me? i hope it's a suitcase of gold bricks.]
is this july 1st date confirmed? im going to cancel all plans 14 days prior and post july 1st. really. im just going to sit in my room with my cameras and film all packed for 29 days straight. its going to be intense.

well, li'l mic(that's what i call you in my complex fantasies where my sister is old enough to have a kid who is you...wha?), the date is about as firm as is possible, so make your plans, quit your job, dumb your friends, kill your enemies. it's all happening.

2007-02-19 // 23:43:35
i am upset. and jealous. and sad.
man, i really wanted to go. and it looks so sunny and nice in the pictures. damn it all! i'll just have to console myself with the fact that i went to the new avedon exhibit instead. but im still upset though.

in response to mr.brilliant's comment below about a band: i'm starting a band too! its going to be a jug band called "the lazy susans". im learning to play the mandolin. or, i will be when i actually have one in my possession.

make you feel a bit better, we're doing it again in SF, July 1st.

put that in your pipe and smoke it!

2007-02-14 // 18:29:19
Thats fantastic you guys organised a road trip to meet up. Bet it was a blast. Have enjoyed reading about it. Seems like a diverse meeting of minds which is always good.


2007-02-13 // 02:14:11
I'm sure you all enjoyed yourselves immensely. The photos provide all the evidence we need. I'm find myself green with envy.

I'm glad Drew bought out the 110a and you guys now see how great these camers really are. Perhaps I can come your way next time you guys do this. I just got a 680 slr and I'm dying to do some portraits.

we're trying to set up more, i'll post it in the news section when we get some dates firmed up. i'm thinking SF in june, NY in maybe august.

2007-02-12 // 12:20:13
What a great crowd! Glad to hear you had such a good time :-)
thanks! we all had a blast! everyone should organize one for their city!

2007-02-12 // 01:31:04
Lou forgot to mention that we're all forming a BAND and we're also going to start robbing people, gang style. Fucking great. Next shoot in the SF Tenderloin is going to be amazing.
start? dude, i totally mugged phyllis while you were in the bathroom.

SF. late june, how's that sound?

2007-02-11 // 22:46:50
I can't express how envious i am for not having met the American Polanoid Crowd... wait... i can, but only with an onomatopoeia:


you should be envious. it was the best time i've ever had with people i'm not having sex with.

this year, anyway.

2007-02-11 // 21:52:53
looks like everyone had a great time. i was freezing my a$$ off in D.C. (high mid-30s F), but for a good cause: checked out a william christenberry exhibit.
i don't know who that christenberry loser is, but it was 73F in LA and I was hanging out with superstars!!!!!

did i mention it was sunny and there was just a hint of a breeze and we all had lunch at a farmer's market and sang songs and held hands and did Age of Aquarius at the karaoke stand?

2007-02-11 // 21:24:41
i'd be totally down for that SF trip..with a little time in advance, so i can plan to take a couple of days off from work..
i haven't had that much fun since my 21'st bd, Lou! let's make it a habbit! ;D

2007-02-11 // 20:30:34
hmmm...lemme thi-- ok. twist my arm.

2007-02-11 // 19:28:42
so absurdly fun. i look forward to the next one.
definitely. i say road trip! head up to SF on a head full of acid with a suitcase full of ether and peyote!

2007-02-11 // 18:17:05
Ohhhhhhhhhh, awesome!!!!!!

2007-02-11 // 17:28:21
cool gang!

2007-02-11 // 15:20:59
yeah, looks fantastic. I'm jealous...

2007-02-11 // 15:14:03
oh yes. i like it. looks like a great day.
love the feeling of having met new friends.