2005-10-14 // 20:31:45 LiA jetz haste gleich 2 comments damit dich das pop-up auch ma a bissi anlacht..dirschreibt ja sonst kena! :P
2005-10-14 // 20:31:13 LiA You evil Bisamratte are being evil to the nice yellow flowers?Not nice of you, nose, not nice of you. Long live the bettenmatratzen!
2005-10-01 // 19:03:00 artpunk ...white fluffy pussycats sitting on big flowery cushions...we need more of that to!
2005-09-24 // 20:07:59 tiki doc, you are getting so romantic. flowers, fruits, animals. i like that. not enough children holding hands though. harr, harr.
2005-09-22 // 14:47:26 artpunk Beautiful Sunflowers! So bright and yellow! This does not suck!