2006-05-20 // 03:09:45
this is a really nice picture, this

2006-02-28 // 00:54:29
Hah, i'm going with the croud as well.

2006-02-27 // 20:50:19
well,.... I have to agree with Lia.

2006-02-27 // 20:31:01
Oh please, sweetest, it is not similar to any photo, really :-)
beautiful beautoiful beautifl young woman you are. You really should dare showing yourself more often, you are so beautiful. I love your dark hair :-)

hehe thank you *hug*

the yellow and the mirror just reminded me :)

I used to do a lot of self portraits... but the attention I got on DA put me off alot. I may start again :) Cindy Sherman and yourself have inspired me ;)

interestingly - my hair is not naturaly dark! it is redish brown... confusing becuase my eye brows are very dark brown and my eyes are black and my skin yellow / olive colour *shrug*

will post more soon!