2007-02-28 // 07:04:16 k_tenmiller tree looks like a heart
2007-02-28 // 07:03:54 k_tenmiller why did it take me this long to find your work?!?
I must buy some spot on TV... :)
This three is situated on the hebrew cemetary in Arezzo.
2007-02-08 // 21:11:21 nini Great one! *clap clap*
Thank you! :)
2007-01-06 // 01:34:41 sixblueten NOW i see this one. even better!
In Italy we say "two faces of the same coin". :)
2007-01-03 // 01:54:45 pinkiestyle this is absolutely wonderful. made me smile the instant in appeared. a heart tree. v+f
Thank you!! :)
2007-01-02 // 23:10:52 bluecharlotte i really like this shot. it made me think of a woman with wild hair being followed by straight-faced stoic minions into some sort of battle. but, then again, they could just be trees.